Visual Art

Students participate in a 60 minute session once a week of Visual Art. Students will work with a wide range of materials and equipment encompassing drawing, painting, clay modelling, construction, threads and textiles and art appreciation. Students work will be on display in corridors and a Semester portfolio will be sent home.


Students will develop skills and knowledge of the arts, explore ideas, and respond accordingly. The Arts provide students with the development of aesthetic awareness and a broad range of cognitive, language, personal and social skills as well as skills used at work and in leisure activities. These provide a range of unique experiences for all students that are essential for their total development. The Arts Program will provide opportunities for all children to experience success and develop a positive attitude.


The program is developmental in nature and based on the Victorian Curriculum.  Where suitable It makes links with the integrated curriculum units including other cultures and values. The students' progress and achievement in the Visual Arts is aligned with the standards in the Victorian Curriculum and will be assessed by semester reports. 


VCAA Visual Art     



                                 Art 2          Art 1        Art 3     


                                 ART          ART        SEAT